Monday, September 1, 2008

Salvador Dali at the MOMA!!!

It's amazing!

Here are some of the pieces up for show...

"The Invisible Man"
"Metamorphosis of Narcissus"
"The Hand [Remorse]"
"Bleeding Roses"
"Accommodations of Desire"
"First Days of Spring"
"Illumined Pleasures"
"Madrid Night"
"Madrid Suburb"
"Apparatus and Hand" 
Set Designs for Spellbound
Study for dream sequences in Spellbound
Studies for Destino
"Mecancholy, Atomic Uranic Idyll"
"Book transforming itself into a nude woman"
"Portrait of Laurence Oliver in Role Richard III"

It's up until the 15th... plenty of time to check it out!

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