Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Waiting to pickup a friend at the airport...

As expected my buddy's flight was delayed and I had time to kill... grabbed a book, pen and napkin and waited...

Here are some random quotes I heard as people walked by...

- "They better not look in here, my underwear is inside."
- "I'm parked between 2 and 3 so I'll meet you at 7."
- "How drunk do you have to be to do that?"
- "Where's Bobby?"
- "Come on... Go!"
- "Tengo hambre!"
- "Are you scared?"
- "Something happen?"
- "Grandma owns a box."
- "...a gun and a shoelace..."
-"We got ice cream at Magic Kingdom."
- "There is nothing that can tell me it's not true."

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